Friday, April 25, 2008

Insomnia (Having trouble sleeping at night?)

If you have trouble sleeping at night then these suggestions may help you. They have worked for me in the past.

Try a progressive muscle relaxation technique.

1. Lie down in bed. Gently close your eyes. Breathe deeply and evenly. Focus on the air flowing in and out.

2. Acknowledge the bed's support and start releasing all muscle tension throughout your body. Your shoulders, back, legs, and arms sink into the bed.

3. Relax your feet by pointing your toes up toward the ceiling and then toward the walls. Slowly move them in small circles; enjoy their increasing warmth.

4. Release the tension in your calves, thighs, and hips and feel your entire body become lighter.

5. Shrug your shoulders and allow them to drop slowly, releasing the tension and keeping the relaxation.

6. Slightly raise your arms above the surface of the bed and lower them gently. Sense the warmth flowing through your arms and hands. Focus your breathing and continue relaxing your entire body, specifically your abdominal muscles.

7. Tense your abdominal muscles by holding them in. Release the tension. Hold your breath for a moment until you feel the tightness of your chest muscles and release.

8. Relax and continue your regular and deep breathing sensing the growing warmth of your stomach and chest and feeling the relaxation move upward toward your neck.

9. Move your neck from side to side and feel the warmth moving upward toward your face. Your head feels weightless , as it sinks deeper into your pillow.

10. Keep your breathing even shallow and relaxed. The warmth moves upwards towards your face.

11. Your chin lowers as the relaxation progresses across your face, cheeks, forehead, and eyelids. As your eyelids begin to feel heavy, wash away any remaining tension with slow deep breaths.

Allow yourself to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Your "Bedtime Imagery" is important. After you have finished saying your prayers and have gotten under the covers, it is not time to hash out all your life's problems. It is BED TIME, a time for your body to rest and get prepared for another day.

1. Lay down comfortably in your bed, and try to be at ease.

2. Close your eyes and picture yourself sleeping peacefully.

3. Imagine that you are being cradled and held like a treasure. ( You feel protected and have no fears. This peaceful place is for you alone.)

4. You are feeling supported. (There is nothing being asked of you in return.)

5. First, feel the weight of your face and your head. Then feel the weight of your arms and hands. Now feel the weight of your legs on the surface beneath you.

6. Feel the weightlessness of your whole body being supported physically. Surround the image with a warm protective glow. Enjoy the safety and comfort it brings to your imagination.

Try to stay with this image for several minutes and let the comfort really sink in.
Enjoy the calm moments. Know that when you face life, this stability is within you and always available.


1. Be positive:
Look at obstacles as learning opportunities.

2. Connect with others: Get to know your co-workers, classmates congregation. You might find a new best friend or learn about a new culture by talking to people that are different from you.

3. Eat healthy foods: The body needs minerals and vitamins to perform well at work, and in school and while exercising.

5. Breathe deeply: When stressed, pausing to take a breath helps you to relax.

6. Express yourself: Share your feelings, and be sensitive to other's feelings when sharing your feelings with others .

7. Think things through: Before reacting to a situation, practice analyzing issues from different perspectives. Remember that heavily charged emotional decisions usually end up being regretted.

8. Reflect on your life: Revisit items you would like to improve upon. Establish realistic goals and work out a strategy to accomplish them. Remember to write down your goals (if you keep them in your head, that is just where they will stay.

9. Stimulate your mind: Read books in addition to those required for school.

10. Remember to rest: The body needs about eight hours of sleep daily.

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Few Extra Bucks

If you are looking for ways to earn extra money, these are some ideas you may consider.

Bank for Profit

There are many banks both online and offline that offer cash incentives for opening a new account (anywhere from $25 to over $100). Be sure to look for these offers before opening a bank account, and read the fine print (incase you’re thinking of closing it within a month) Take advantage of these offers, and turn banking into a more lucrative experience.

Research and Join a marketing company!

Get Paid for Your Time Online

Did you know that there are companies that will pay you to read e-mails, to do web searches and to complete other online activities? It's true. Sign up with several of them, and get paid for the time that you spend online. Check out for a list of companies to consider.

More Ways to Make Money
Brring! Get Paid when you get a call. Get Calls, Get Cash!

Sell Things You No Longer Need

Are things that you no longer need or use cluttering up your home? Then, turn them into cash. Sell any items of value on Ebay, in the newspaper classifieds or at a consignment store. Then, have a yard sale to sell the rest.

Get Paid to Take Surveys

Turn your opinions into cash by answering online surveys. Just sign up with several survey sites, and wait for the survey invitations to roll in.

Have Your Car Wrapped

  • Do you spend a lot of time on the road? Then, consider turning your car into a rolling billboard. Many companies – big and small – are willing to pay to have your car "wrapped" with their advertisements.
  • Check out for a list of places you can go to research the site you would like to use, to get a car wrap.

Get Paid For Your Hobbies

Hobbies usually cost money, but that doesn't have to be the case. Find ways to turn your favorite past time into a source of income, and enjoy playing for profit.

  • Ways to Earn Money from Your Hobbies include


  • Get work as a freelance newspaper photographer
  • Sell stock photos online. (Try )
  • Sell your videos online.
  • Do wedding and event photography/videography
  • Teach photography/videography classes
  • Turn your images into cards, and sell them


  • Umpire/referee. Check out: National Association for Sports Officials
  • Coach
  • Be a scorekeeper
  • Be a statistician
  • Caddy
  • Become a personal trainer
  • Become a fishing guide, hiking guide or river guide
  • Teach others your sport

Taking Care of Animals

  • Walk dogs
  • Pet sit
  • Offer grooming services


  • Teach cooking classes
  • Sell your foods at farmer's markets and craft shows
  • Cater (create a blog and showcase your work)
  • Offer yourself as a personal chef
  • Take orders for birthday cakes (create a myspace page dedicated to your pastry)


  • Teach exercise classes
  • Be a river guide
  • Lead hikes
  • Teach rock climbing, caving or other extreme sports
  • Be a tour guide – all that walking is exercise!
  • Become a life guard
  • Offer yourself as a personal trainer


  • Repair computers
  • Build and sell computers
  • Become a computer consultant
  • Design websites


  • Start a blog
  • Sell articles online or to magazines
  • Enter writing contests with cash prizes
  • Apply for a writing stipend
  • Write advertising copy for local businesses
  • Produce and sell an e-book

Get a Paper Route

Paper routes aren't just for kids with bicycles any more. If you have a reliable vehicle and a need or desire to boost your income by several hundred dollars a week, a newspaper route could be the answer. Talk to your local newspaper to find out what routes they have available in the area.


Are you good at math? A grammar pro or a chemistry master? Then, become a tutor, and transform your knowledge into a paycheck. Just advertise where parents are likely to look – on campuses, at the library, in the newspaper – and you'll soon build a list of clients.

Deliver Phone Books

Someone's got to deliver all those phone books, and it may as well be you. Contact your local phone company to find out what you need to do to apply for the job. Then, hussle those books from door to door for some extra green.

Note: Often phone companies will place an insert in with your phone bill to announce their need for deliverers. Keep an eye out for this advertisement, and act quickly when you see it.


Your trash can or cluttered garage could be yet another source for money. Aluminum, steel and many other materials can be recycled for profit – now, that's good news for your bank account and the environment.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Improve Your Credit

Having challenged credit in this day and age is costly and can be stressful, but it's not an end all. Bad credit won't plague you forever if you don't give up hope, and you are willing to do something about it. There are things you can do right now to begin improve your credit score.

You must stop using almost all your credit cards.

Making credit card purchases and accumulating more debt is not the right thing to do in a bad credit situation. You are literally digging yourself deeper into debt. Put your credit cards away until you have more control of the situation.

Next get a copy of your credit report

You must retain a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus to find out which accounts need work and which are just fine. This is simply because you cannot begin to repair your credit until you know exactly what areas of your report you need to work on.

Clean up your credit report

Most credit reports contain unnecessary negative information. If your credit report does in fact contain incorrect information, then you have the right to have those items disputed and removed. Your credit report will include information about disputing inaccurate information with the credit bureaus.

Catch up on delinquent accounts

Your credit report has different areas. Of those areas, a huge chunk (35%) is determined by your payment history. Delinquent accounts will have a severe impact on your credit, but once they are made current, by consistent (over the minimum on time payments) it can positively impact your account a lot as well.

Do not put in any more credit applications

Think of your credit as being under construction at this point. As we all know, when there is construction going on, we don't want anyone snooping around the premises that aren't here to help. So as long as your credit is under repairs, you should avoid making any more applications for credit. More than likely that you will get turned down for credit and the applications will only decrease your credit score.

Keep accounts with balances open

You may be tempted to close out credit card accounts that have become delinquent, but beware, because doing so will most times negatively affect your credit. Don't close any cards with a balance or available credit. Do not close your card if it is your only card, or your oldest card (newer borrowers are riskier in lenders eyes) By all means, keep the credit card that has the best terms open.

Call your creditors

As much as you would hate to communicate with your creditors, you might be surprised to find that you will receive help from them. Many creditors have temporary hardship programs that will reduce your monthly payments until you can get back on your feet.

Pay off your debts

30% of your credit score is made up of the amount you owe. So paying off your debts will improve your credit situation. If you don't have the money on hand, then cut back on some poor spending habits (cigarettes, stay in some weekends instead of going out, cook instead of fast food etc) to speed up the process. It will be a sacrifice, but the financial freedom you gain from being able to leverage your credit will be worth it.

Seek professional help

Resources, like consumer credit counseling, are available to assist you. If you are overwhelmed by your credit situation, seek professional assistance. You can locate a credit counseling agency on the world wide web. I personally deal with Financial Destination Incorporated. Credit Repair is only a small part of what you can learn from them. They teach you to leverage your credit, and how to change your mindset so that you will not continue the cycle and return to having challenged credit.
for further information go to

Please remember to be patient.

Most things under the sun worth waiting for are worth having. Your credit wasn't damaged overnight, so don't expect it to improve in that amount of time. Stay in touch with the creditors and keep at the foregoing tasks and over time you will see an improvement in your credit.
That's all I have for now
God Bless you all